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Commercial network

Tree grates

Roadside trees in a city are planted individually, generally in tree grates. The planting distribution is determined by the characteristics of the pavements and the roadways. Tree grates cover and protect the area without paving close to the trunk, to prevent the slabs from cracking as the tree grows. We are widening our ecological perspective, offering trees from selected species for the city and tree grates to contain them.

Urban life blooms in the streets and squares. Renaturalizing the city, with trees protected by tree grates, represents an opportunity to improve the urban ecosystem. Selecting species requires great knowledge in relation to their development, root structure and the overhead part.

Tree grates are low-level elements which are essential to maintain the landscape quality. As part of their natural process, trees grow and adapt to the space. In order for them to do so, and for proper maintenance, it is a good idea to plan for this growth by providing unpaved space.

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